Hi! I’m Krystal Fox!

When I really started doing the deep self development work I had the utter realization of how lonely that journey can be.

As I began to outgrow a lot of the familiar places and faces I had a deep burning desire to connect with others who were on the same wavelength.

I could not find the community space that I needed, so I created it.

I created The Divine Feminine Circle, a community to meet other women on a similar wavelength and gather in sisterhood. A place where genuine connection, expression, and expansion was present.

Since then I have watched the power of ceremony, community and connection bring people together & add exponetial expansion to their lives.

I have started these communities in Dallas, Virginia Beach and San Diego and now it is my mission to ignite and infuse connection into as many communities as possbile.

True membership in a group provides a sense of belonging, of kinship and of purpose that serves the greater whole.

It is my passion, my gift, and my utmost joy to connect with other women and create a non-judgmental safe space that fosters connection & growth.

I blend my education in Psychology, Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to bring forth a powerful exchange of energy for empowerment, self development and most important, connection.

what members have said

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Krystal brought me into a divine feminine circle community where I made many connections and gained wisdom that catapulted my growth exponentially. Krystal shows up in surprisingly mystical ways that resonate deeply, and many synchronicities occur after post-group activities. I always leave with a renewed sense of abundance for life and look forward to the next gathering with the knowledge and beauty that she brings to the table. She is truly in love with her service to others and it is a gift to experience it first hand.

Dr. Ramos

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When I first attended one of Krystal’s women’s circles, I had no idea what to expect and left with more than I ever could have imagined. The women’s circles have brought many aligned friendships into my life. You know how hard it can be making new friends (that you resonate with on a soul level) as an adult! I never like to miss an event that Krystal throws because I know I will be delightfully surprised and leave with some new insight that is tangible and helpful.


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I've had the privilege of knowing & working with Krystal Fox for the last 2.5 years. In this time I've sought her expertise for spiritual coaching, tarot readings & been apart of a women's community: The Divine Feminine Circle. Krystal has a special gift for tapping into the energies of others, especially women. She has a strong sense of inner authority with the gift of listening, creativity & understanding.

Benefits of joining a women’s circle

Feel truly seen, heard & valued

Green Check

Increased connection in community

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Be inspired and uplifted

Green Check

Learn new practical life & relationship tools that you can use daily

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make new friends you connect with

on a soul level